Wednesday, November 22

Thankful for....

This has been quite a year for me, and I am thankful for....

  • closing my studio on my terms, and going out happy
  • having Tyler come home
  • the comfort in knowing Trev is ok living on his own
  • my Mom's support of my art sabbatical
  • my sister for being my sister - which means the world to me
  • having the time to focus on my art (till now)
  • Patty - for not letting the miles get in the way of our friendship
  • Amanda - my partner in crime, for making me laugh and for being here for me, in the good times, the bad times, and everything in between
  • Sandy - for good advice, good company and flexible hours :)
  • Lori - for the support and good words in my new job
  • my computer - because it connects me to the world, otherwise I'd go nutty
  • selling my art
May your stuffing be tasty
May your turkey be plump
May your potatoes have gravy
May your yams be delicious
And your pies take the prize
And may your Thanksgiving Dinner
Stay of your thighs!
- anonymous

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