Saturday, January 14

America's Tsunami: Are We Next?

Discovery Channel :: America's Tsunami: Are We Next?

Yes, we are freak'n next - I live a tsunami zone and to make matters worse, the Cascadia Tsunami zone. Ok, so I watched this show a month ago (they play it often if you missed it) and it totally freaked me out. I was able to live in denial till seeing it, now it's all I think about.

Tonight, as I'm in my jammies, playing online, what do I hear? The tsunami siren!!! Yes - it's totally dumb, and if the tv was on, we would have never heard it. It sounds like the doorbell in the house I grew up in. Anyway - hearing it at 10pm made me panic and what did I do? Nothing!! I froze! Did I get my car and drive to high ground? No. I froze. Pat called the police to see if it was a test or something, and they said it was accidentally sounded. Holy shit - accidentally? I have since broken out into hives and I'm swollen and itching from my tummy to my eyebrows. I love the water and I love the ocean, and it sucks that I'm afraid of it now. GRRR!!!

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