The best head ache I've ever had
Today, like many days, I woke up with a head ache. I think it's the switch from sunny weather to rain. Sometimes barometric changes throw me off. Instead of letting it consume my day, Tyler & I went to the thrift store to see what looked interesting. I scored a terribly tacky wall pocket. It's painted black and gold and is deliciously hideous - I can hardly wait to transform it. When I do I'll post the pics here.
After that I went to Sandy's with my crazy big canvas that I bought yesterday up in Newport. I like to paint on small canvases... like 8x8 or 12x12, but I'm making all new art for my entries into the jurried show. The size limitation is 40 inches in any direction, so my new canvas fits right in there at 24x36 inches. I'm doing another in my 'twilight' series... and I'm making sure it gets noticed :) So today I packed up my paints & super size canvas and headed to Sandy's house. It was a great afternoon of painting, talking, and just hanging out. It's usually all work with us these days, so spending my day off there was a treat, especially since I had a headache... it was nice to hang out with friends.
When I came home I was followed by 4 fire trucks, 2 Florence police and a state police car, heading past our place, down the road to another apartment building. We couldn't see any flames but there was lots of smoke and the smell of melting plastic and such drifted down the street. It was raining out and cold rain felt so good on my aching head. Tyler and I stayed outside in the pouring rain for a half an hour just letting the drops soak us. It was a great end to the day.
Well it was supposed to be the end of the day....It's approx. 2:55 am and I'm wide awake. I just finished another entry for the show. It's called Nesting. It's along the same premise of Grow, but a different look.
wonderful wonderful wonderful!
Absolfu*kinglutely BEAUTIFUL!!!
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