Well.... I AM a Gemeni
I can't help but change my look on a whim! I've decided that I might as well change it every month - to suit the seasons, holidays, and my need to try things new :)
Welcome to my October look.
I'm using elements from the "Midnight Jack" kit in my header. It's a digital scrapbooking kit by Jen Wilson. Her site it great - check it out.
I'm digg'n the new 'beta' blogger.... I love being able to add labels. Then you can click on my labels and see all the posts that go with it. The obsessive part of me want to go back through all my old posts and add labels to them. There are about 135 or so.... I really should just start fresh from here, and label from now on, and not go back BUT it will drive me crazy, so over the next few weeks, I'm going to add labels to each post. Jeepers - if I could stop myself I would. At least I don't wash my hands 500 times a day, lol.
I'm also digg'n my new bracelet. My friend Sandy is the designer... and she let me pick one out for my birthday (back in June), but I didn't actually pick it out till today.
Oh, and last but not least, I'm totally jazzed about Tyler's grades. He's not one to put effort into 'boring school' and his grades have reflected that since middle school, until now (his junior year in high school). He's got a B in math class - hooray! Go Tyler!!!
The only thing that's bumming me out is that I have been too busy to work on my creative prompt journal. This am I was unpacking the new 7 Gypsies stamps, then I went to work at Sandy's, then I messed around with this blog all evening. Thankfully I didn't sign up on Rhonna's site... I just decided to do it on my own time. Whew!!!
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