Inspire Me Thursday : THINK BIG : Love Bird
I've been following Inspire Me Thursday for about a month and half now, but have yet to join in on the challenges. Today was the day though - the challenge is "think big"... to do something bigger than normal. Yesterday I happened to hit a sale at Micheal's and picked up some 16x20 canvases... much bigger than my usual small format stuff. I figured one day I would try something bigger. So early this am I was online and saw 'think big' as the new theme - so of course I HAD to give it a whirl!
I've been wanting to try some birds for a while so here it is. I painted the canvas with acrylics, adding in some printed papers to add some texture and interest. (grass, bird, heart & sun) Lastly the eye is a swarovski crystal and it's ready to go. I had a blast doing this and I think I might even try a series - who knows. All I know is that now that I've finally taken the Inspire Me Thursday plunge, I'm hooked.
Thanks for taking the time to peek at my project and for letting me know about the firefox problem. I'm not sure how to fix that - I will search the blogger help file to see if there is a fix or something.
Have a great week!!
Lovely work!
Your collage looks like it could sing!
I keep coming back to look at this painting, it is just beautiful. I love the colors!
I'm on firefox too, and the site shows up great. But I am on a mac, that might have something to do with it...
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