Is there a limit to happiness?
Is there a limit on how many happy days you can have in a row? I guess I reached mine. I was settling into the peace of closing my studio, enjoying working on my artwork, overcoming my fears and putting my work into shows, having fun seeing it get some press.... and then BAM!!!
Vultures swoop in, without just cause, to try to kill it. As I wipe away the tears from crying for 2 days, after taking the benadryl to calm down my hives, after seeking proper legal representation, I am trying to calm down. I'm trying to over-come. I'm trying to remember not to believe every word out every asshole's mouth - that I have people in my corner too.
You know who you are, Montana Monsters - I know you have found this blog. I've done nothing wrong, I've comitted no crime, the propper authorites are aware, and you aren't going to ruin me, or impose on me your screw-ups that are perhaps haunting you, which is probably why you are looking for a quick buck. Thank God I didn't take on your business name. It's mud and I had nothing short of a year of debt collectors looking for you, my first year in business. Perhaps they have caught up with you and that's why are intruding on my space. Leave me alone. Just leave me alone!
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