Thursday, April 26
Sunday, April 22
Friday, April 20
Adventures in Sewing
Hello, my name is Tracy and I'm NOT a sewer. I'm trying to make a cute Amy Butler purse, but it's not going so well. "How hard can it be?"... I asked myself... "It's only a square". I made sure not to buy a pattern that used piping or trim, or anything to 'throw off my game'. Ha! This sweet little pattern is kick'n my butt :) Let's just say I need to buy more fabric, for round 2.
So in the mean time, to keep my sewing spirits high, I bought a beauty off eBay. Also an Amy Butler, and hand sewn.... and perfectly I might add! Check out the seller.... her stuff is amazing.I snapped a neat shot in the car the other day, waiting for a downpour to pass so I could dash into the post office. I love cell phone cams... so fun when you are out and about.
Tuesday, April 3
I need some artistic advice
I'm making a glass birdhouse 'Sally Jean' style, for the upcoming Habitat for Humanity auction. I was lucky enough to get an invite to participate in this and I'm really honored. So... I'm making a glass house, but the front will be totally solid (no bird hole), because this will be purely decorative. My problem is the the 'hole'. I want to put something there to represent the whole, but I don't know what. Someone I know is using the standard wood house, and she's dressing up her hole with an vintage optical lens. Super idea, but I don't want to do that same thing as her. What can I use for my 'hole'? I'm using a vintage spoon or fork, bent up for the 'perch'. The style of the house will be a kinda vintage, kinda nature.... so what are your suggestions?????
I'm going to post pictures from start to finish... I think that might be fun.
So then there's the wood house they gave me... I think I will do that more 'whimsical' in style... fun colors, lots of pattern. I'll keep you posted on that too.
Labels: art, fundraising/charity event
The dairy drama...
Well this is what I've found out so far.... going off dairy was not nearly as hard as I thought, but I don't know if I can do it forever. At least not 100% forever. I don't think I'm allergic to it, as we previously thought. I do think though that I have a sensitivity to it. What I failed to mention, all along, was that when I started this dairy free gig, I also started Nasonex. I started feeling better and like I always do, I stopped taking the Nasonex. Well 3 days later my ear was aching like mad, and my headache had returned. Back on the med, and voila, I'm feeling better. So I don't think going dairy free has helped that, but it has made me feel better, and all calories that I eat from dairy are gone. Cutting out the cheese alone probably cut those calories and fat in half. I think my stomach feels better without dairy, but I'm not going to beat myself up if I want to have something that might have a bit of cheese on it, ONCE IN A WHILE. I'm doing the dairy free thing because I think it's better for my health. I'm not vegetarian, and I'm never going to become one (Sorry Pearl!)
Ok, so that's that.... I'm tired of recording what I eat and such so the dairy drama is over... at least until I find a really cool dairy free product that I just have to share with you.Like the Turtle Mountain's Mocha Mania.... oh man they are so amazingly good! Who knew soy could be so yummy!
Labels: dairy free journal