Monday, May 1


I was looking at EBSQ today and looked up my profile to see if I needed to update anything and there was a cute little icon indicating I won an award...kinda! One of my hand-bulit pottery pieces got a 'member's mention'. I couldn't be more thrilled to have been noticed by other artists. Sweet!

I sold one of my beach assemglages at the "looking at the small picture" show at the FEC this weekend too - so that's wonderful. I am so glad the one I wanted to keep didn't sell! Often I'm not overjoyed with what I create - so many things don't turn out as grand as I planned them in my head ;) But I've become attached to the one beach box (Ocean Secrets) that has the quotes. I think I'll hang onto that one. I did put the 3rd (darn, I like that one too) on Etsy - but I can't keep em all can I? After all, I do have bills to pay and I am trying to make a go at this 'selling' stuff. Ha!

AND since I'm in such a good mood - I'm thrilled that my oldest son Trevor has just got his first place, on his own. He really needs this and I'm going to be happy for him, even if I do worry a little. Hey - I'm a mom, it's my job to worry BUT I'm so thrilled to see him so happy. Now if I can sell a little more art, I can go up and visit him in his new home and do the fun stuff like teach him how to cook and stuff - ok, I better get crack'n and sell some more art.

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