Thursday, February 16

Move over Martha

With the so called 'free time' on my hands, since closing the studio, I've been able to do the little domestic things that make people happy. For a treat on Valentine's Day, I dipped strawberries into chocolate and then scribed a little heart on each one. I packaged them all up and delivered them to my friends and they seemed to be a big hit.

When my kids were little and I was a stay at home mom, I was very Martha-ish. I'm not sure when it stopped - when they grew up, when I was working? Probably both. At any rate, I'm sure this little burst of domesticism won't last long, as I work harder on my web sales and art, but my husband is enjoying it while it lasts. I'm actually cooking dinner now - what a shocker. I hope they remember me at Azatlan when I return ... I love walking in there and being handed a strawberry margarita without even having to order.

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