Monday, November 7

Dear Crissy

I'm crazy about you! You're an amazing artist and what I love most is the fact that you use yourself in your art. You totally have captured me, along with the rest of your huge following. I love how you can change your look like a chameleon... your photos are breath-taking all alone, and then whe you paint and draw on them.... well it's just nothing short of amazing.

You have inspired my son and I to take more photos... try something edgy... maybe tinker a bit with them too, but nothing, nothing, nothing will ever come close to your artful bliss.

Don't wait - go look at her art now - it's truly hypnotic.


Tracy said...

Tell me what you think - Do you like her style?

Crissy said...

Hi there! Probably not fair for me to comment on this since it is about me, but wow, thanks!

I found your blog via my referrers in case you're wondering.

Anyway I really appreciate the plug, and hope all is well!


Tracy said...

Thanks for stopping by Crissy - hopefully I don't sound like an artsick stalker, lol.