went something like this:
-get up at 5:00 am to take our sweet friend to Eugene to the train
-argue with grumpy husband in the car
-fight with grumpy husband in the car
-get hurt feelings and tune out grumpy husband, still in the car
-realize the tags on my car expired 2 days ago (while 65 miles away from home, on a Saturday when the DMV is closed) (for my Canadian pals, the 'tags' are what Americans call the date stickers on the license plates)
-spend way too much on soap making supplies
-return much need and highly desired soap making supplies
-look for an outfit for work Christmas party
-try on an outfit for work Christmas party
-look terrible in an outfit for work Christmas party
-stop at music store to pick up keyboard for son's Christmas present, then realizing it doesn't exactly fit in the car (with expired tags)
-see a fantastic movie (doesn't belong on the bad list, but it's the only good thing, so no point making a good list)
-keep looking for an outfit for work Christmas party
-try on more outfits for work Christmas party
-looking terrible in more outfits for work Christmas party
-leaving town without an outfit for the work Christmas party
-getting stuck on the drive home for 1.5 hours because there's been a terrible accident on the hwy
-driving by the crash site, feeling horrible sadness for the victims
-driving the rest of the way home with a horrible migraine
-running over and killing a poor, innocent raccoon 15 miles from home
-crying the rest of the drive home, trying to see through my tears and apologizing to the raccoon, the raccoon's family, my son who's in the car with me, God, and pretty much anyone else who would deem me a horrible person for not being able to swerve out of the way
-falling into the most uncomfortable bed in the world with swollen eyes, a migraine
That was my Saturday.
Today I didn't get out of my jammies, didn't shower, didn't answer the phone, and didn't do anything but try to regroup, rest and take the entire day off.